ZP Analytical Services

Zimmer and Peacock has a suite of analytical tool, including top of the range HPLC. ZP offers a range of analytical services including HPLC analysis of: hemp, oils etc for CBD, THC, etc.

HPLC analysis for CBD and THC

Analysis of CBD, THC

120,00 €

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Zimmer and Peacock run HPLC analysis of chilli samples for our clients and customers as a service. 

HPLC is the definitive way of knowing the capsaicinoids are in your chilli sample and the amount that is present.

Please note that results are delivered in reports, and the concentrations are delivered in ASTA Pungency Units and Scoville Heat Units.

The ZP Chilli Group does allow the option to run an HPLC ASTA Pungency Analysis alongside the Scoville Test, 

HPLC analysis for chilli products

Analysis of chilli products for capsaicin

120,00 €

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