This calculator is for calculating the cost to manufacture screen printed electrodes based on the overall size of the sensor and the numbers manufactured.
This calculator is for calculating the cost to manufacture screen printed electrodes based on the overall size of the sensor and the numbers manufactured on a flexible substrate.
This calculator is for calculating the cost to manufacture screen printed electrodes based on the overall size of the sensor and the numbers manufactured on a flexible substrate.
This calculator is for calculating the cost to manufacture sputtered electrodes on polymer based on the overall size of the sensor and the numbers manufactured.
This calculator is for calculating the cost to manufacture biosensors based on the overall size of the sensor and the numbers manufactured.
This calculator is for calculating the cost to manufacture screen printed electrodes based on the overall size of the sensor and the numbers manufactured, and includes a well feature made from adhesives.
We use this calculator for calculating the price of our standard screen printed electrodes, you can also find these prices on our store,
A sensor is nothing without the fluidics to bring the sample to the sensors, here we price out the cost to make the complete medical diagnostic cartridge.
This is our calculator for calculating sputter gold electrodes on polymer