ZP - Amperometric OEM electronics

oxygen sensor

The ZP - Amperometric OEM product is not a substitute for a fully functional potentiostat, for those who need a research product we suggest the AnaPot or the Sensit Smart.

ZP - amperometric OEM

Welcome to the amperometric OEM solution for amperometric electrode biosensor developers.



For those looking for a fully functional potentiostat we would recommend AnaPot or PalmSens available from ZP.

The ZP Amperometric OEM instructions


The purpose of this document is to provide users the instruction to get started with GFET oxygen measurement. The step by step procedure for the measurement is provided in the section below.






1. Connect the SPE ZP pH sensor to the connector on GFET 

2. Connect the GFET using a micro USB cable to the PC


3. To verify if the device is connected properly and enumerated as a COM port, open Control Panel->Device Manager->Port and find COM number (COM5 in this case).

4. Open any terminal application such as TeraTerm (https://osdn.net/projects/ttssh2/releases/) to view the data from the GFET. The baud rate must be set 57600 bps.

5. Once the device is connected the user can see the oxygen measurement values in volts displayed in the user interface (see image). The data can be later used in Microsoft Excel or python script for further processing and visualization.