Welcome to this week's newsletter from Zimmer and Peacock. This newsletter is a mixture of news, stories and tech notes from Zimmer and Peacock. If you want to subscribe to our newsletter or have any questions regarding Zimmer and Peacock and our passion for biosensor technologies please don't hesitate to contact us.
ZP - Sponsers BioEl 2019
Zimmer and Peacock is a world leading contract biosensor and medical diagnostics company, and so we are delighted to sponsor the 6th International Winterschool on Bioelectronics.
About the workshop.
The integration of electronics with the biological world can be achieved by platforms using bio-inspired materials as well as strategies. Such bio-compatible electronics have the potential to transform current paradigms in green information technology and biomedical research. Realization of biodegradable or biocompatible, low-cost, large-volume materials and devices will contribute to sustainability in plastic "consumable" electronics. Biomaterials-based electronics with biomimetic interfaces can be utilized in medical technologies that require accurate sensing and stimulation of biological matter.
This will be a forum to bring together both veteran and young researchers to learn and discuss emerging topics in the field of bioelectronics. Topics include:
• Electronic/ionic signal transduction
• Conducting polymers in biochemistry and biomedicine
• Electronics based on biomaterials
• Optoelectronics at the interface with biology
• Electroceuticals
• Devices for electronic sensing of bioanalytes, and electronically-mediated drug delivery
• Iontronics, protonics
• Electronic interfaces with biochemistry
• Artificial skin
• Artificial retina
• Consideration of conduction in biomaterials, i.e. melanin, DNA, etc.
• Nature-inspired materials for energy harvesting applications
• Implantable electronics
• Nanoinjection, structured material interfaces with cells
• Biocompatible inorganic semiconductors and devices
• Neural Interface
• Clinical applications
• Plant electronics / bionics
• Tissue Engineering
ZP - Christmas Party 2018
Zimmer and Peacock has had a record breaking 2018 and the team is really looking forward to 2019.
Please don't hesitate to contact us with all your biosensors and medical diagnostic development and manufacturing needs.