Welcome to this week's newsletter from Zimmer and Peacock. This newsletter is a mixture of news, stories and tech notes from Zimmer and Peacock. If you want to subscribe to our newsletter or have any questions regarding Zimmer and Peacock and our passion for biosensor technologies please don't hesitate to contact us.
Application Note for measuring glucose in soft drinks
The detection of glucose is important in many industries and applications, from the monitoring of glucose for diabetics, to knowing the sugar in a soft drink, to measuring glucose in a bioreactor or cell culture.
In this application note on our website we provide a simple experiment that can be performed outside of a laboratory with readily available drinks from the supermarket and is intended to test and to gather the first data from a glucose sensor.
With a glucose sensor one can perform quantitative and qualitative experiments. A quantitative experiment is where we measure and report the amount of glucose in a drop of blood for example.
The application experiment described within this document is a qualitative experiment, which requires no chemicals and can demonstrate a clear response by the sensor to regular coke relative to coke zero which has no sugar. The output from the experiment is qualitative in that the output of the experiment is ‘YES or NO, glucose is present’. Find out more on our website.

ZP available in France
Zimmer and Peacock are delighted to featured on the Darwin Microfluidics webstore for our pH, glucose, oxygen and lactate sensors and developers kit.

Biomarkers Boston 2018
Zimmer and Peacock were delighted to exhibit at Biomarkers Boston 2018.
Zimmer and Peacock is a contract developer and manufacture of biosensors and medical diagnostics, where we partner with our clients to bring sensors and assays to the market.
Zimmer and Peacock were delighted to exhibit at ElectroNano8.
The mission at ZP is to provide products to aid within electrochemical investigations and to partner on product development and manufacturing where electrochemistry is at the heart of the technology.
We partner with both academia and industry.
We have a case study on how an academic partnership with ZP led to a product on the market.
Please if you have questions regarding ZP don't hesitate to contact us.

ZP Programme Featured at Portsmouth
ZP participates on our clients clinical trials so we are delighted to have a ZP programme appear on the Portsmouth Technologies Trials Unit flyer.
At Zimmer and Peacock we develop and manufacture biosensors and medical diagnostics for our clients, including breath assays.