Welcome to this week's newsletter from Zimmer and Peacock. This newsletter is a mixture of news, stories and tech notes from Zimmer and Peacock. If you want to subscribe to our newsletter or have any questions regarding Zimmer and Peacock and our passion for biosensor technologies please don't hesitate to contact us.
ZP enters the solid state nanopore technology arena
At Zimmer and Peacock we see that nanopores offer a new paradigm in analysis for nanoparticles, to next generation sequencing, to PCR quantification, to protein sequencing. This is why we are delighted to supply and support Nanopore Solutions Technology for assisting with nanopore research and development.
The unique difference with the Nanopore and ZP solution is that we can partner with researchers and developers to take their discoveries to market.

Sensor reader customisation
At ZP we have a generic and highly customisable electrochemical sensor reader, which is ready to go into a customer's product.
We are able to customise the readers down to changing the colours.
Please visit our website to find out more about ZP and to contact us.

Full demo of the Chilli Hotness Sensor
At Zimmer and Peacock we are passionate about productising ideas. In this video we show how we have taken IP from the University of Oxford and made a product from it.
Contract solution development, manufacturing and bottling
At Zimmer and Peacock and Aliksir we perform contract development, manufacturing and bottling of solutions, reagents and buffers.
If you require standard solutions as part of your product offering or the solution is your product then please don't hesitate to contact Zimmer and Peacock.