At Zimmer and Peacock we understand that for a medical diagnostic or a microfluidic device to be successful it needs to have a low cost of manufacturing, so that the optimum margin can be realised, in order to recuperate the cost of research and development.
With this new credit card platform Zimmer and Peacock have taken a credit card production line and re-purposed it to make a multichannel medical diagnostic/ microfluidic device, capable of filling in parallel and running multiple analytes in parallel.
If you have any questions regarding using our credit card platform for medical diagnostics and microfluidic platforms please don't hesitate to contact us.
Six channel microfluidics credit card
This kit will allow you to assemble 5 credit card microfluidic devices
950,00 €
Final price excl. shipping costs
- Sold Out
At Zimmer and Peacock we are able to combine our standard biosensors into the credit card format.