Welcome to this week's newsletter from Zimmer and Peacock. This newsletter is a mixture of news, stories and tech notes from Zimmer and Peacock. If you want to subscribe to our newsletter or have any questions regarding Zimmer and Peacock and our passion for biosensor technologies please don't hesitate to contact us.
Gold screen-printed electrode versus classic gold electrode
At Zimmer and Peacock we have a pragmatic view on electrochemistry, screen-printed electrodes and biosensors.
We understand that when converting a lab assay into a manufactured biosensor one has to understand that there are compromises betwen beautiful electrochemical data and a sensor that both works and does so at a cost that the market can afford. Find out more on our website here.

Quickly calculating the manufacturing costs of SPE.
Zimmer and Peacock offer a range of standard screen printed electrodes (SPE) and a customisation service. In this video we show how to use our online calculator to obtain a budgetary pricing on custom electrodes.
There are two ways in the calculator to drive down the cost of electrodes and that is to reduce the dimensions and to increase the number of electrodes ordered. Find out more here.
Pavel @ Zimmer and Peacock
At Zimmer and Peacock we have a strong team of scientist and engineers who bring passion to our standard products and the services around biosensors and medical diagnostics.
This week we are focusing on Pavel, who is ZP's European Technical Sales Manager. Pavel is energetically travelling across Europe engaging with scientists and engineers and bringing ZP's solutions to our clients' projects and programmes.
To discover more about Zimmer and Peacock or to find out how we can help with your biosensor and medical diagnostic development please visit our website.

BIOMEDevices 2017 - Zimmer and Peacock
Zimmer and Peacock were delighted to meet so many people at BIOMEDevices who agree that point-of-care, implantable and wearable biosensors is the future of health and well-being.
On the stand we discussed the history from the simple glucose strip, progressing through to implantable glucose sensors to fully integrated and wearable biosensors.