Welcome to this week's newsletter from Zimmer and Peacock. This newsletter is a mixture of news, stories and tech notes from Zimmer and Peacock. If you want to subscribe to our newsletter or have any questions regarding Zimmer and Peacock and our passion for biosensor technologies please don't hesitate to contact us.
£100,000 awarded - Low-cost sensor joins battle to save the world’s water resources
Zimmer and Peacock developers and manufacturers of low cost sensor platforms has been called out in an award given to ANB SensorsLtd. Find out more on our website here.

ZP - launches new and improved glucose sensors
At Zimmer and Peacock we recognise that one of the most important biosensors is still the glucose sensor, and therefore we are launching our new glucose sensor for continuous glucose monitoring and discrete glucose monitoring.
The ZP glucose sensor is a unique formulation as it can be used either for discrete measurements and disposed of after each use, or it can be left in place for continuous measurement.

Diabetes Technology Meeting
Zimmer and Peacock are experts in the development and manufacturing of continuous-glucose-monitoring technology, and so we will be attending the Diabetes Technology Meeting in Bethesda, please contact us to meet us there to discuss your CGM needs.

IEEE - NIH Point of Care Technologies
Zimmer and Peacock are world leader in the development of Point-of-Care Technologies and so we will be exhibiting at the IEEE-NH 2017 in Bethesda. The conference will provide a forum for all stakeholders in healthcare to elucidate the barriers and challenges in the broad delivery of quality, accurate, and affordable health care.
Features include discussions on the role of point-of-care diagnostic systems in quality global healthcare from the perspectives of all stakeholders, especially in underserved and under-resourced populations; and barriers and challenges to adoption and mechanisms by which innovative technologies can be collectively addressed and overcome by collaboration across all stakeholders for quality global healthcare. Through panel discussions and breakout sessions, the conference will also provide opportunities for stakeholders to explore collaborations and synergies to accelerate healthcare system development, validation, deployment and adoption in a manner consistent with the needs of the stakeholder groups, and to achieve the overall goal of improving healthcare at affordable cost.

Zimmer and Peacock - Cambridge Sensors Day 2017
As part of our support of Sensor Development at Cambridge University UK Zimmer and Peacock has several members of the team at the Cambridge University 2017 Sensors Day. Contact us to meet us there.

3D printed flow cell - extra images
We have had a lot of enquires regarding 3D printed parts for sensor and biosensor applications, in particular for the 3D flow cell fabricated at TUM; so we have put some extra images here.

ZP were at International Symposium on Sensor Science
Thank you for chatting with us at the International Symposium on Sensor Science in Barcelona, if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us.
We have put some quick link buttons to our services and products here.
ZP - Sensors MidWest 2017
Thank you for chatting with us at Sensors MidWest 2017. As discussed we are contract developers and manufacturers of biosensors,
We have included some buttons on our website here which act as short cuts to our products and services or to contact us, so please if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask as you will find us very responsive.

ZP and Aliksir - SWIG 2017
Aliksir and ZP - two sister companies focused on sensors including sensors for water testing were at SWIG 2017, click the video for a summary of what was discussed.
2017 - University of Cambridge Electroanalytical Workshop
Zimmer and Peacock and CambEChem Ltd participated in the University of Cambridge Workshop on Electroanalytical Chemistry.
The workshop featured lectures delivered by Professor Adrian Fisher and Dr Nathan Lawrence, and three practical stations manned by Zimmer and Peacock and Aliksir. We are hosting the event in the same format in 2018 and are taking registrations now, click here to register.