Welcome to this week's newsletter from Zimmer and Peacock. This newsletter is a mixture of news, stories and tech notes from Zimmer and Peacock. If you want to subscribe to our newsletter or have any questions regarding Zimmer and Peacock and our passion for biosensor technologies please don't hesitate to contact us.
Zimmer&Peacock are attending the IEEE SENSORS 2017 congress in Glasgow, Scotland
Zimmer&Peacock will be attending the IEEE SENSORS 2017 in Glasgow, Scotland. We will share our latest product achievements and introduce the public to the market idea of biosensing applications.
IEEE SENSORS 2017 is intended to provide a forum for research scientists, engineers and practitioners throughout the world to present their latest research findings, ideas, and applications in the area of sensors and sensing technology. IEEE SENSORS 2017 will include keynote addresses and invited presentations by eminent scientists. The Conference solicits original state-of-the-art contributions as well as review papers.
IEEE SENSORS 2017 will bring approximately 900 sensor and sensor systems practitioners together to interact and network with colleagues, learn of the latest sensor technology innovations, and meet the vendors of sensors and sensor systems that supply products and solutions to technical needs. The exhibition will be closely integrated with the technical program through workshops and tutorials, plenary sessions, industrial panels, sensor and sensor systems demonstrations, industrial innovation sessions, and social activities for delegates and exhibitors alike.
Please come and meet us at the conference, we are always delighted to make you familiar with our products and services!

Zimmer and Peacock is attending the 8th International Workshop on Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing in Żelechów, Poland
Zimmer and Peacock will be attending the 8th International Workshop on Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing in Żelechów, Poland.
The use of sensor-based analytical procedures, originally focused on chemical and biochemical tests is gaining increasing interest, among others, in environmental toxicity testing, for ecosystem monitoring, clinical diagnostics and therapy as well as for testing of crops and foods of animal origin.
A continuous increase of interest in sensor-based analytical techniques is manifested by the increase of the number of both scientific papers published and patents registered. Toward this interest, a series of our Workshops is organized. Being encouraged by success of the previous seven International Workshops on Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing held since 2003 in Poland, the organizers hope that also the coming 8th SMCBS Workshop will successfully become a platform for researchers to meet for discussing in-depth, exchange and generate ideas. We expect that this activity will stimulate new, and most expectantly, collaborative research.
As previous workshops, the coming one will be focused on the art of both chemical and non-chemical decorating of solid transducer surfaces as well as recognition activity of the resulting sensors toward target analytes. Main topics of the Workshop will cover various aspects of surface chemistry related to chemo- and biosensing in solutions or gases not being limited to:
Chemical surface reactions
Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs)
Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films
Preparation and properties of supported membranes
Chemically modified electrodes
Enzyme modified electrodes and polymer modified electrodes
Novel techniques and instrumentation for examining surfaces
Recognition signal transduction and processing
Detection techniques and protocols
Miniaturization of analytical systems and the nanotechnology use
Zimmer and Peacock will make the exhibition of our latest products and will share the business ideas with the audience regarding the biosensing applications in medical diagnostics!

AACC 2017 San Diego - ZP
This week the Zimmer and Peacock California team are in San Diego at the AACC 2017. Come and see us at the booth where we are talking about biosensor and medical diagnostic development and manufacturing.
Biosensors for Wine Production
Zimmer and Peacock California have been talking this week with the grape growers and wine producers of California regarding biosensors and chemical sensors for monitoring the conditions and the state of health of the crop along with sensors for monitoring the wine production.
Zimmer and Peacock's proposal is that the Biosensors' Developers Kit along with the Tina technology allows for a rapid development and manufacturing of biosensors for the wine industry.
If you have an idea for a sensor for the wine industry we'd love to hear from you.

Sensors 100 - Cambridge University and Zimmer and Peacock
Zimmer and Peacock and Cambridge University's Electroanalysis Masterclass was featured in Sensor's 100 latest newsletter.

Zimmer and Peacock is attending the MF8 Microfluidics Consortium at the University of Cambridge, UK
Zimmer and Peacock will be attending MF8 Microfluidics Consortium at the University of Cambridge. The aim of this meeting is to grow the market for Microfluidics-enabled products and services.
With the support the Knowles Lab at the University of Cambridge the MF8 Microfluidics Consortium invites you to join us at St John's College Cambridge on Oct 12th from 9:30am to 4:30pm to see leading edge technology demonstrations and engage in the debates. The main topics will will be focused on new opportunities for microfluidics, standards in microfluidics and opportunities for collaboration in microfluidics.
We will be present at this event, so please get in touch with us to discuss the enthusiastic business opportunities with Z&P.

Solid-state photoelectrochemical cell with TiO2 nanotubes for water splitting
In a recent paper from a team in Oslo Norway a Zahner PECC-2 Cell was used in a photoelectrochemical splitting of water.
In the paper they said '...fabricated electrodes and tested a photoelectrochemical (PEC) cell where the aqueous electrolyte has been replaced by a proton conducting hydrated Nafion® polymer membrane. The membrane was sandwiched between a TiO2-based photoanode and a Pt/C-based cathode. The performance was tested with two types of photoanode electrodes, a thermally prepared TiO2 film on Ti foil (T-TiO2) and a nanostructured TiO2 films in the form of highly ordered nanotubes (TNT) of different lengths. Firstly, photovoltammetry experiments were conducted under asymmetric conditions, where the anode was immersed in deionized water, while the cathode was kept in ambient air. The results showed a high incident photon-to-current efficiency (IPCE) of 19% under unassisted conditions (short-circuit, 0 V vs. cathode) with short TNT (ca. 1 μm) under 4 mW cm−2 illumination with UV-A rich light. Secondly, the deionized water was replaced by 0.5 M Na2SO4 and now the performance was higher with longer nanotubes, assigned to increased ionic conductivity inside the tubes. An unassisted (0 V) IPCE of 33% was achieved with nanotubes of ca. 8 μm. The presented solid-state PEC cell minimizes the electrode distance and volume of the device, and provides a way towards compact practical applications in solar water splitting...'

3D printed flow cell for biosensors
At Zimmer and Peacock we are motivated by designing, developing and manufacturing the best technologies for our clients and customers in the space of biosensors and medical diagnostics.
One of our clients wanted more detailed images of a 3D printed flow cell that our collaborators in TU Munich had produced, so we quickly obliged.