Today Zimmer had an enquiry from a client who wanted a system for investigating a stack of fuel cells, the enquiry was...'...we are looking for a solution to perform EiS monitoring on fuel cell stacks. We do not need high frequencies for our application, so the cheaper versions of the Zennium potentiostat would suffice. However, we need to draw higher currents (>100A) at the stack voltage while performing EiS on single cells. We are also interested in the multi-channel capability of the EiS workstation...
For this enquiry the engineer's notes were '... the clients requires:
1. Zennium, Zennium-pro or Zennium-X workstation
2. EPC42 interface card for EL1000
3. EL1000 electronic load
4. 1 to 4 PAD4 modules
This combination allows for the following:
1.Provides the basic workstation for performing EIS, CV, I/E, etc.
2. The EPC42 is needed to connect an external potentiostat or load like the EL1000
3. The EL1000 is an electronic load which can sink currents up to 200 A and voltages up to 100 V at a total power of 1000 W max. The EL1000 is perfect for fuel cells and fuel cell stacks, the customer asks for currents >100 A; that's what the EL1000 does easily.
4. The best comes now: The PAD4 card expands the workstation with 4 additional voltage inputs for measuring on up to 4 additional single cells (channels) in parallel. With Zennium and Zennium-pro one PAD4 card can be used, with Zennium-X up to 4 cards for up to 16 additional parallely measured voltage channels can be used. Zennium/Zennium-pro (5 channels in total) or Zennium-X (17 channels in total) is the system of choice.
Please note the Zennium-E does not have expansion slots needed for the EPC42 card, and so this workstation cannot do the job.