Welcome to this week's newsletter from Zimmer and Peacock. This newsletter is a mixture of news, stories and tech notes from Zimmer and Peacock. If you want to subscribe to our newsletter or have any questions regarding Zimmer and Peacock and our passion for biosensor technologies please don't hesitate to contact us.
Digital Diabetes Conference
This year from 7-8 March we will be attending the Diabetes Congress in San Fransisco. Zimmer and Peacock are committed to writing applications and developing the best CGM sensors for our customers and collaborators, hence why we attending the Digital Diabetes Congress. There are no exhibitions at the conference so get in touch to arrange a meeting with us at the Congress.

We would like to say a warm thank you to everyone who visited our stand and spoke to us at the PBSS. We talked about our biosensors and medical diagnostic products. If you would like to continue the conversation please visit our contact page.

Andre's PhD
The team at Zimmer and Peacock would like to say a huge congratulations to Andre upon the receipt of his PhD.
Our scientific advisor Professor Erik Johannessen presented Andre his PhD upon the defense of his thesis. Well done!

Zimmer and Peacock Impedance Day
Zimmer and Peacock are delighed to be attending the Zahner Kronach Impedance Day from 3 - 5 April 2017.
We will be specifically discussing the use of impedance spectroscopy for sensors and biosensors, and we are happy to have technical discussions regarding label free detection using impedance changes.

Market analysis and financial modelling for the medical diagnostics market
Zimmer and Peacock are excited that the Medical Diagnostics Market is a fast growing global market, providing both improved outcomes for patients, but also high returns on investment for entrepreneurs and investors. Our MBA team offers market analysis and financial modelling in the Medical Diagnostics Space so that our collaborators can understand the market opportunity, the competition, the clinical reimbursement landscape and the business models that maximise the revenue from their ideas and technology.
If you have an technology and/or an idea and you require a greater understanding of the potential market then please contact Zimmer and Peacock.

LMP 91000 trouble shooting for biosensor readers
One of the fastest ways to develop the electronics for your biosensors is to partner with Zimmer and Peacock and let our experienced team guide you.
We are able to look at the signals from your electronics and identify the root-cause issues. Click here to try some of our tests.